Post Timeline Plugin Shortcodes

Here is the list of Post timeline Shortcode Attributes and their Possible Values.

AttributesPossible ValuesDescription
post-icon“on/off”Enable or disable icons e.g post-icon=”on”
images“on/off”Hide/reveal images e.g images=”on”
icon-type“font-awesome”Include an icon e.g icon-type=”font-awesome”
type“tag/date”Choose either tag-based or date-based timeline e.g type=”tag”
sort“ASC/DESC”Sort the timeline post in ascending or descending order e.g sort=”ASC”
date-format“F j, Y” / “m-Y” / “YY” Set the date format based on your preference e.g date format=”F j, Y”
post-link-type“title/readmore/disabled”Utilize post links e.g post-link-type=”disabled”
post-length“1000”Manage the character count of the post e.g post-length=”300″
category“23”Add category id to display specific category posts e.g category=”45″
slides-setting“carousel/popup”Set slider type e.g slides-setting=”carousel”
pagination“button/scroll/off”Manage upcoming timeline posts e.g pagination=”button”
skin-type“light/dark”Include a light or dark theme to the timeline post e.g skin-type=”dark”
post-radius“5”Add radius in pixel to the timeline post e.g post-radius=”3″
line-style“solid/dotted/dashed”Select the line style of the timeline back bone e.g post-radius=”3″
bg-color“#FF6626”Change the background color for the timeline e.g bg-color=”#DD3332″
nav-status“on/0”Show or hide navigation items on the timeline page e.g nav-status=”on” or “0”.
nav-type“1”Choose navigation type e.g nav-type=”2″
nav-color“#DD3332”Change navigation color e.g nav-color=”E11619″
tagline-color“E11619”Change the tagline color of the timeline e.g tagline-color=”#DD3332″
post-per-page“100”Set a number of pages to display e.g post-per-page=”50″
anim-type“lightSpeed_left-right”Add animation to the timeline posts e.g anim-type=”bounceIn”
term-csort“on”Enable custom sort to set tags in order e.g term-csort=”on”
css-class“my-class”To add additional class to the container